

Almighty smash left record crater on Mars
Written by David Shiga
Translated by Hsiang-Fu Huang


EVERY scar tells a story, yet a huge gash on Mars has long proven very hard to read. Now a peek beneath the planet's surface reveals that the scar is the largest known impact structure in the solar system - gouged out by a collision that reshaped the Red Planet.

每一道傷疤背後都有段故事。然而,火星上一處巨大的窪地長久以來卻難以解讀。如今,對火星地表下的窺探,顯示這道傷痕是太陽系中已知最大的撞擊構造 ─ 由某次足以改變火星形狀的撞擊所挖出。

The surface of Mars's northern hemisphere lies about 6 kilometres lower than that of the southern hemisphere. This has greatly influenced the planet's evolution, says Jeffrey Andrews-Hanna of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

火星北半球的地表比南半球還低六公里。麻省理工學院的傑佛瑞‧安得魯-哈納(Jeffrey Andrews-Hanna) 說,這深深地影響了火星的演化。

The northern hemisphere's thinner crust means more magma has been able to push to the surface to fuel volcanism, and the difference in altitude meant that ancient outbursts of liquid water tended to flow from south to north.


It also means that atmospheric pressure on northern surfaces is higher than in the south, encouraging winds there to scour the surface more than in the opposite hemisphere. As a result, it seems likely that more dust has been blown from north to south than the other way.


A prime theory to explain how this global asymmetry came about is that a huge impact blasted away much of the northern hemisphere's crust. The prime suspect in the hunt for clues to such a collision had been an extensive structure in the northern hemisphere, thought to have formed about 4.4 billion years ago.


Strange shape


This timing fits with other evidence that numerous large projectiles were careening through the inner solar system at this time, such as the Mars-sized planet that walloped the primordial Earth and formed our Moon, yet left no trace on Earth.


However, the Mars impact theory has been undermined by the structure's irregular, kidney shape, since an impact would have punched out a circle or ellipse.


To examine the suspected crater in more detail, Andrews-Hanna and colleagues analysed variations in the strength of gravity above the Martian surface using NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter. This revealed that the structure was actually a near-perfect ellipse, but ended up looking kidney-shaped because lava has since obscured part of it.

為了更加詳細調查這個可疑的隕石坑,安得魯-哈納及其同事利用美國太空總署的火星偵查軌道號衛星 (Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter),分析在火星表面的重力變化。結果顯示,此構造其實是一個近於完美的橢圓形。

Catastrophic effects


At roughly 8500 by 10,600 kilometres across, it is nearly 15 times the area of the Moon's South Pole-Aitken basin which, at 2500 kilometres in diameter, is the largest undisputed impact scar in the solar system.

這個隕石坑是太陽系中最大的撞擊傷痕。它的長、短軸大約各10600、8500公里,約是月球上直徑約2500公里的南極艾托肯盆地 (South Pole-Aitken basin) 的十五倍。

The Mars crater was probably created by an object as large as 2700 kilometres across - over half of the diameter of Mercury. The effects of such an impact would have been catastrophic, says Andrews-Hanna.


"Within the basin you'd have had a magma ocean - it would have been easily several tens of kilometres deep," he says. "Outside the basin you would have had a tremendous amount of ejecta raining back down on the surface."


Herbert Frey of NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland, had been sceptical of the giant impact theory because of the structure's irregular shape, but now calls it the "best working hypothesis" to explain the differences between the Red Planet's hemispheres. "They make a compelling case," he says.

太空總署高達德飛行中心 (Goddard Space Flight Center) 的赫伯特‧佛瑞 (Herbert Frey) 曾由於此構造的不規則形狀而質疑巨大撞擊理論。但他現在改口稱它為解釋火星南北半球間差異「最可行的假說」。他表示:「這項研究的確很有說服力」。

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